Navy SEAL's book on the bin Laden killing shows the real reason photos of the body were never released

The man who claims he was the SEAL Team 6 operator who shot Osama bin Laden in 2011 has written a new book, and his retelling of that raid shows the reason photos of the terror leader's body were never released. The book, "The Operator" by Robert O'Neill, recounts the former Navy chief's career spanning 400 missions, though his role with the elite SEAL team's raid on bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, has become his most consequential. According to O'Neill, he was walking behind his fellow SEALs as they searched bin Laden's three-story compound. Upstairs, they could roughly make out bin Laden's son Khalid, who had an AK-47. "Khalid, come here," the SEALs whispered to him.  read more...


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