
Showing posts from April, 2017

Putin, Abe Vow To Work Together To Ease Korea Tensions

Russia n President Vladimir  Putin  and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe say they will closely cooperate in an attempt to ease tensions between  North Korea  and rival nations over Pyongyang's ballistic-missile program. Read more...

US to Push China, Others for Maximum Pressure on N. Korea at UN

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will make his United Nations debut Friday, chairing a high-level Security Council session on the threat posed by  North Korea 's quest to build a nuclear bomb. Read more...

Estonia Defense Chief Says Russia May Move Troops To Belarus To Challenge NATO

Estonia's  defense  minister says Russia may use large-scale military exercises to move thousands of troops permanently into  Belarus  later this year in a warning to NATO. Read more..

Air Force Issues Challenge to "Hack the Air Force"

The Air Force is inviting vetted  computer security  specialists from across the U.S. and  select  partner nations to do their best to hack some of its key public websites. The initiative is part of the Cyber Secure campaign sponsored by the Air Force's Chief Information Office as a measure to further operationalize the domain and leverage talent from both within and outside the Department of Defense. Read more...

China launches second aircraft carrier

DALIAN , April 26 (Xinhua) -- China launched its second  aircraft carrier  Wednesday morning in a  Dalian  shipyard in Liaoning Province,  northeast  China. Read more...

The World’s ‘Largest Democracy’ Bans Social Media in Kashmir

Keeping up with their irrational and high-handed behavior, India has ordered the internet service providers (ISPs) in Indian-administered Kashmir to shut down Facebook and WhatsApp along with 20 other social media websites and online applications. Read more...

China's first domestically-built aircraft carrier ready for launch: Sources

Reports say Beijing is set to launch its first domestically- built  aircraft carrier  after more than two years, as the country is beefing up its military in the face of growing tensions in the Asia-Pacific region. read more...

CPEC generation capacity to be kept at 11,000MW

The Energy Expert Group (EEG) has agreed u pon a readjusted list of the projects, which ensures that the power generation is not less than 11,000MW, said the Chinese embassy officials in a background briefing on the CPEC. read more...

Russian senator warns U.K. will be 'wiped off the face of the Earth' if it uses nukes

A senior Russian politician responded aggressively Monday to comments by the U.K.'s defense minister suggesting pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons against Russia is an option for London, claiming the U.K. would be completely annihilated by Russia's nukes in response.  Russia's Frants Klintsevich, who heads the defense and security committee in Moscow's upper house of parliament, said the U.K. would be "literally wiped off the face of the Earth by a counter strike." Earlier that day, U.K. Defense Minister Michael Fallon said during a radio show that the U.K. could consider a preemptive nuclear attack amid recent political tensions between Russia and Western governments, according to The Moscow read more...

PLA reorganized into 13 army corps, says expert

Hong Kong, April 24 (CNA)  Mainland  China's 18  army   corps  have been reorganized into 13 armycorps, according to a military expert in Hong Kong. The expert, Leung Kwok-leung (梁國樑), told a CNA reporter on Monday that the  13 new  army corps of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) will also use new numeric  designations  that start from 71. He said the PLA has had 70 army corps in its history and the new numbers are simply an extension of that tradition. read more...

US Senators to Get Rare Briefing at White House on North Korea Threat

All 100 U.S. senators have  been invited  to the White House on Wednesday for a classified briefing that will primarily concern North Korea, the administration announced Monday. The briefing will be conducted by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General  read more...

Iran's Ahmadinejad: 'Why are we fighting each other?'

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's former president, has called regional powers in the Middle East to change their foreign policies, including in Syria, saying the conflict in the region was imposed "from outside". The ex-president made the comments to Al Jazeera on Tuesday, less than a week after surprising Iranians by registering as a candidate for next month's presidential election. Ahmadinejad had previously said he would not stand after being advised not to by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, saying he would instead support his former deputy, Hamid Baghaei, who also registered on April 12. "The supreme leader gave me advice but he did not ask me not to run. It was just advice," Ahmadinejad Read more...

Is the United States Really Blowing Up North Korea’s Missiles?

The Trump administration has completed a policy review of how to manage the growing nuclear threat from North Korea. The new policy — massive pressure and engagement — is a tepid serving of leftovers from the Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton administrations. I actually created a quiz of similar statements from all four administrations — and then when I looked at it a day later, I failed it. As so often happens when reality disappoints, people turn to rumor and fantasy. And so, disappointed with the reality that Donald Trump faces the same lousy options on North Korea that hamstrung all his predecessors, the new Washington bedtime story is that the United States is secretly hacking Read more...

Book flips conventional wisdom on Hitler

UNITED NATIONS -- A new book that examines previously restricted files from the U.N. War Crimes Commission cites documents showing that Adolf Hitler had been indicted as a war criminal for actions by the Nazis during World War II before his death - contrary to longstanding assumptions. The book, “Human Rights After Hitler” by British academic Dan Plesch, says Hitler was put on the commission’s first list of war criminals in December 1944, but only after extensive debate and formal charges brought by Czechoslovakia, which had been occupied by the Nazis. The previous month the commission determined that Hitler could be held criminally responsible for the acts of the Nazis in occupied   Read more...

Muslim countries want to create a mobile military force to fight ISIS terrorism

A coalition of 41 Muslim-majority nations is working to create a mobile military force to combat the Islamic State (ISIS) group in Iraq and Syria and militant threats across northern and western Africa. The alliance, known informally as the Muslim NATO, is preparing later this year to hold its first major meeting with defense ministers from across the Muslim world to define its structure and mission, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. The Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism has become known as the Muslim world's response to the NATO military alliance. Its leaders from Sunni-majority nations want to go after jihadist militants fighting in Libya, Yemen, Nigeria and Cameroon, while Read more...

Iran's 'stealth' fighter is a total joke

Iran recently released footage of what it claims is a fifth-generation stealth fighter jet called the Qaher F-313 rolling around a runway, but experts aren't buying it. The F-313 has appeared before, in 2013, when War Is Boring pointed out that the jet was too small to carry its announced weapons payload or even fit a pilot. Business Insider showed the footage to a senior scientist working on stealth aircraft who asked to remain anonymous because of the classified nature of his work. As far as radar signature goes, "some parts are laughable," the scientist said. Specifically, he said the downturned wingtips reminded him of something out of "Star Trek" and the vertical or near vertical fins on Read more...

Russian bombers fly close to Alaska again

For the second time in two days, a pair of Russian bombers flew close to Alaska, this time coming within 35 nautical miles of the coastline, according to a U.S. official. Monday was the first time in more than two years that Russian military aircraft have flown close to the U.S. mainland. Read more..


Civilian Jobs in Police Deptt.

Trump's threatened 'armada' still far from N. Korea: official

Washington (AFP) - An aircraft carrier the US Navy said was steaming toward the Korean Peninsula amid rising tensions has not yet departed, a US defense official acknowledged Tuesday. The Navy on April 8 said it was directing a naval strike group headed by the USS Carl Vinson supercarrier to "sail north," as a "prudent measure" to deter North Korea. read more..

Two Russian jets 'intercepted' by US fighter planes near Alaska

US fighter planes have intercepted and escorted two Russian bombers in international airspace off the coast of Alaska. The TU-95 Bear bombers flew within 100 miles (160 km) of Alaska's Kodiak Island before being intercepted by two American F-22 Raptors on Monday (17th April). read more...

Syrians in frantic search for their children after blast

Bab al-Hawa (Syria) (AFP) - Fatima Rashid was recovering in a Syrian hospital after a deadly suicide blast when she glanced at a teenager with a bloody, disfigured face. She did not recognise her daughter. The wounded teenager was later taken across the border to Turkey for treatment and now Rashid, like many parents caught up in a horrifying attack on Saturday, is searching frantically for her child. read more..

North Korea is funding their nuclear program with global ...

Here are the five main ways North Korea

Saudi Arabia warns Iran is trying to turn Yemen into a 'missile base'

Iran wants to turn Yemen into a "missile base" from which it can threaten Saudi Arabia, according to a Saudi general. Saudi Gen. Ahmed Asiri claimed Saudi Arabia prevented an "Iranian plot" from threatening the country’s security and stability in an  interview  with Saudi Arabia’s al-Arabiya news Sunday. read more...

North Korea Offers Unconditional Surrender After Mike Pence Angrily Squints at It

PYONGYANG (The Borowitz Report)—In a major foreign-policy coup for the Trump Administration, North Korea offered to unconditionally abandon its nuclear program on Monday, after Mike Pence spent several minutes angrily squinting at the nation from just across the border. Warning North Korea that the United States had jettisoned its policy of “strategic patience” and that “all options were on the table,” Pence fixed his steely glare on the isolated Communist nation and began furiously staring it down. After Pence spent between five and six minutes demonstrating U.S. resolve by squinting indignantly, the government in Pyongyang released a statement indicating that North Korea’s nuclear ambitions were a thing of the past. read more..

North Korea fires ballistic missile, but projectile explodes within seconds of lift-off

North Korea fired an unidentified ballistic missile on Sunday (16 April), but the projectile exploded seconds after lift-off. The launch comes just a day after the Pyongyang regime showcased its might in a massive military parade to mark the 105th anniversary of the birth of North Korea's founding father Kim Il-sung. read more...

The 8 most elite special forces in the world

Elite special forces are some of the best-trained and most formidable units a country can boast. They go where other troops fear to tread, scoping out potential threats, taking out strategic targets, and conducting daring rescue missions. These really are the best of the best. Though it's extremely difficult to rank these forces relative to one another, there are some units that rise above the rest in their track record and the fear they instill in their adversaries. These troops have been through rigorous training exercises designed to weed out those who can't hit their exacting standards. In a world in which the sheer size of a country's military is no longer the only guide to its effectiveness, read more..

Photos of Iran's new Qaher F-313 fighter jet prototype emerges

New photos emerged Saturday of a new prototype of Iran's stealth fighter jet, previous models of which were mocked by aviation experts who predicted it "would never fly." read more..

Russia warns US against unilateral strike on N. Korea

Russia on Monday warned Washington against launching a unilateral strike on North Korea, after US Vice President Mike Pence said the era of "strategic patience" with Pyongyang was over. "This is a very risky path," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a news conference in Moscow. read more..

US Urges Russia, Pakistan To End Support For Afghan Taliban

The United States is calling on regional countries, including Russia and Pakistan, not to support the Taliban in their  bid  to "perpetuate the very long war" in Afghanistan. read more...

North Korea Defies US Warnings With Failed Missile Test

North Korea conducted a failed missile test Sunday in defiance of increased U.S. warnings that there would be serious consequences for such provocative actions, including a possible military response. read more...

Pakistan Sentences Suspected Indian Spy to Death

A military court in Pakistan has sentenced an alleged Indian spy to death on charges of "espionage and sabotage" activities against the country, a rare move likely to fuel bilateral tensions. An army spokesman, while  announcing  details of the decision Monday, identified the man as Kulbushan Sudhir Jadhav of India's primary foreign intelligence  agency , Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). read more...

Status Unclear of US-Russia Hotline for Syrian Airspace

The United States military says it is still able to deconflict operations with Russia over Syria, but it is unclear whether the two militaries are still using the two countries' established hotline,  aimed  at preventing midair collisions of their warplanes in Syrian  airspace . read more...

China Kicks Off Construction of its Biggest Amphibious Assault Ship

The Chinese Navy has launched construction of its new generation  amphibious   assault  ship, the 075 Landing Helicopter Dock, the South China Morning Post reported. The 075, larger than any other amphibious assault ship in service with the Chinese military, is being  built  by Shanghai-based Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding. According to the report, the vessel will be able to carry helicopter capable of attacking enemy ships, ground forces and submarines. read more..

West Steps Up Pressure On Russia Over Syria, Assad Allies Threaten To Respond To 'Aggression'

The United States and Britain kave stepped up pressure on Russia to rein in Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, as Damascus's  allies  vowed to respond to any "aggression" against Syria. read more..

Iranian, Russian presidents describe US missile attack on Syria violation of UN charter

Tehran, April 9, IRNA -- President Hassan Rouhani and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation on Sunday condemned the recent US cruise missile  attacks  on Syria's Shayrat  airbase  by calling it against the international law and the United Nations charter. read more...

US Envoy to UN: Trump Will Strike Syria Again if Necessary

The U.S.  ambassador  to the United Nations is suggesting if President Donald Trump needs to carry out more military strikes on Syria, he will read more..

Navy SEAL's book on the bin Laden killing shows the real reason photos of the body were never released

The man who claims he was the SEAL Team 6 operator who shot Osama bin Laden in 2011 has written a new book, and his retelling of that raid shows the reason photos of the terror leader's body were never released. The book, "The Operator" by Robert O'Neill, recounts the former Navy chief's career spanning 400 missions, though his role with the elite SEAL team's raid on bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, has become his most consequential. According to O'Neill, he was walking behind his fellow SEALs as they searched bin Laden's three-story compound. Upstairs, they could roughly make out bin Laden's son Khalid, who had an AK-47. "Khalid, come here," the SEALs whispered to him.   read more...

Carl Vinson Strike Group Departs Singapore for Western Pacific

USS CARL VINSON, At Sea (NNS) -- Admiral Harry Harris, Commander, U.S. Pacific  Command , has directed the Carl Vinson Strike Group to sail north and report on station in the Western Pacific Ocean after departing Singapore April 8. read more..

Trump Wants Options to End North Korea Nuclear Threat, Security Aide Says

U.S. President Donald Trump has asked officials to give him options for removing the threat of a nuclear-armed North Korea, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said Sunday read more...

North Korea vows response to 'reckless' US Navy move

Seoul (AFP) - North Korea denounced the US deployment of a naval strike group to the region Tuesday, warning it is ready for "war" as Washington tightens the screws on the nuclear-armed state. read more...

Indian RAW Agent Kalbhoshan Yadav Got Sentence Death


Trump Hails 'Outstanding' Relationship With China, Without Citing Specifics

U.S. President Donald Trump says he has made "tremendous progress" in relations with China after meeting with President Xi Jinping of China, a country Trump has heavily criticized in the past. read more...

Philippines Signals it Will Challenge China Over Maritime Disputes

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's plans to deploy troops to islands in the disputed South China Sea and personally plant a flag there indicate the country has tired of China's maritime expansion, despite friendly relations since October. read more...

More Armata Tanks, Less Warships: Russia Unveils 2018-2025 State Arms Program

Russia's 2018-2025 state armaments program will focus on nuclear deterrence, aerospace defense and "smart weapons systems." Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said that defense contractors had been tasked with making sure that the  Armed Forces are 70 percent equipped with modern weapons. A source at the Defense Ministry told Sputnik that the program will also include, among others, the S-500 air defense missile systems, the fifth-generation T-50 PAK FA fighter jets, Armata tanks and  read more...

US Looks at Russia's Role in Syria's Nerve-Gas Attack

The United States appears to be raising the stakes in Syria, suggesting Russia may have helped the Assad regime carry out a deadly chemical weapons attack that killed more than 80 people in Idlib province. Read more...

U.S. Strike Designed to Deter Assad Regime's Use of Chemical Weapons

WASHINGTON, April 7, 2017 – The Syrian  airbase  targeted in yesterday's U.S. missile strike is  believed  to be where Syrian President Bashar Assad regime  aircraft  took off for a deadly chemical  attack  against civilians earlier this week, senior military officials speaking on background told reporters at a Pentagon briefing today. Read more...

Statement from Pentagon Spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis on U.S. strike in Syria

At the direction of the president, U.S. forces  conducted  a cruise issile strike against a Syrian Air Force airfield today at about 8:40 p.m. EDT (4:40 a.m., April 7, in Syria). The strike targeted Shayrat Airfield in Homs governorate, and was in response to the Syrian government's chemical weapons attack April 4 in Khan Sheikhoun, which killed or injured hundreds of innocent Syrian people, including women and children Read more.... .

Chemical attack, if confirmed, would be largest in Syria, UN Security Council told

5 April 2017 – Briefing an emergency meeting of the Security  Council  following the reports of alleged chemical weapons use in Khan Shaykhun, southern rural Idleb, Syria, a senior United Nations official for disarmament affairs said that while many details are not yet fully known,  new information  continues to come in on the incident Read more..

Trump Calls Syria Attack 'An Affront to Humanity'

U.S. President Donald Trump condemned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday for the deadly chemical weapons attack in Syria, calling it "an affront to humanity," but declining to say what action the United States might take in response Read more...

China Reveals How Many Fighter Jets the New Aircraft Carrier Can Dock

Chinese  media  has revealed that the new Chinese aircraft carrier will be able to dock 36 Jian-15 fighters [J-15]. Read more...

Detect, Track, Destroy: India to Receive Armed Heron Drones from Israel

An  announcement  that India will receive its first armed  Heron  drones from Israel has come as Narendra  Modi  prepares to  make history  as the first Indian prime minister to ever visit the country. Read more...

Taiwan to draw on submarine upgrade experience to build own subs

Taipei, April 5 (CNA) Taiwan will  draw  on the experience of an ongoing program to upgrade two of its aging submarines to support a project to build the country's own submarines, an institute contracted to conduct the programs said Wednesday. Read more...

Trump Sees 'Interesting,' 'Difficult' Talks With China's Xi

By Steve Herman April 04, 2017 President Donald Trump is to host Chinese President Xi Jinping beginning Thursday at his Mar-a-Lago resort in the southern United States. But the atmosphere may not turn out to be as warm as the Florida weather. Read more..

India Clears Purchase of 100 Israeli Barak Missiles for Warships

19:32 04.04.2017(updated 19:34 04.04.2017) The Indian Defense Ministry has approved the purchase of 100  Barak  surface-to-air missiles at a cost of US$ 77 million. The Israeli-made missiles can track and shoot down rival subsonic and supersonic missiles, fighter jets, maritime patrolling aircraft, helicopters and sea skimming missiles. Read more...

Turkey's Erdogan warns Iraqi Kurds flag could strain ties

Tue Apr 4, 2017 3:9PM Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Kurds in Iraq that a recent decision to  hoist their flag in the disputed  Iraqi  city of Kirkuk could threaten Turkey-Kurdistan relations. Read more...

Existential Danger': Israel's New 'David's Sling' Anti-Missile System Revealed

David's Sling officially began operational deployment in ceremonies held on Sunday at the Hatzor  Airbase . "Whoever seeks to hit us will be hit. Whoever threatens our existence places himself in existential danger," said  Israeli  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Read more...

North Korea Fires Missile Ahead of Trump-Xi Meeting

North Korea  conducted  another ballistic missile test, just 48 hours before U.S. President Donald Trump is due to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions. Read more...

White House: Syria Chemical Attack Heinous, But Assad a 'Political Reality'

By William  Gallo  April 04, 2017 U.S. officials are condemning a suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria that left scores dead, even while acknowledging the government of President Bashar al-Assad, widely thought to have carried out the strike, remains a "political reality" in the country. Read more...

Russia Confronts Trump over U.S. Strategy on Syria and Assad after 'Chemical' Attacks

Russia has challenged President Donald Trump to come up with a clear, comprehensive strategy for the war in Syria after Trump said Wednesday that an alleged chemical attack had changed his opinion of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Read more...

Inside the North Korean military: A look at the rogue nation's armed services

North Korea rarely misses an opportunity to conduct banned missile tests to coincide with high-profile world events at which the impoverished yet nuclear-armed country is likely to be discussed. Read more...

Trump Says US Ready to Act Alone on North Korea

By Ken Schwartz April 02, 2017 President Donald Trump says if  China  is not going to solve the problem of  North Korea, "we will."  Read more...

Students Rally to Reinstate Teacher Suspended for Sexy Selfies

Lydia Ferguson probably didn’t think much about a series of photos she shared to her social media networks, other than the fact that she looked fabulous and fashion-forward. The schoolteacher and mother of three was suspended from her teaching post for uploading the so-called “sultry” photos to Facebook, but students are demanding she be hired back to the job.  Read more....

Purchase Plots in Gawadar Post City

GlobBiz Avenue Gwadar Phase 4: 5, 7, 10, 12 & 20 Marla Residential Plots for sale in GlobBiz Avenue Gwadar Phase 44 & 40 Marla Commercial Plots for sale in GlobBiz Avenue Gwadar Phase  Read more...

This Russian Refused To Launch Nuclear Missiles During The Cuban Missile Crisis – Saving The World!

The fact that you can read this is because of a man who said “no” due to an accident. In doing so, he literally saved the world. And his reward? To be insulted.  Read more...

Report: Beijing's Man-made South China Sea Islands Nearly Complete

A Washington-based think tank has concluded China has almost finished construction or three man-made islands in the South China Sea, giving it the ability to deploy warplanes and other military weapons on the islands at any time.  Read more....

Former Pakistan Army Chief Set to Take Command of 'Muslim NATO'

Pakistan's former army chief, Raheel Sharif, is set to become the first commander of a new Saudi-led counterterrorism coalition of mostly Sunni Islamic states, a move frustrating neighboring Shi'ite Iran in addition to prevailing domestic opposition and criticism.  Read more...

UK and France strengthen defence cooperation with new weapon system agreement

Signed during a visit by M. Collet-Billon to the Ministry of  Defence , the agreement begins a three year  concept  phase to develop future long range weapons for the British and French Navies and  Air Forces . Each country will contribute €50 million to this phase.  Read more...

Russian Actions Spur Eucom's Shift From Engagement to Deterrence

WASHINGTON, March 28, 2017 – The European Theater is the site of political volatility and economic uncertainty compounded by threats that are transregional, multidomain and multifunctional, the senior U.S. commander in Europe told a House committee here today.  Read more...