The Book Review By Ishfaq Ali (M.Phil)

 (Written by: Andrew Small)

In this book, author tenaciously explore the relations between two countries as he describe that Beijing’s secret relations with Islamabad is going closer, more than formal alliance. Due to the collective enmity with India, China’s also support the Pakistan is incredibly strong as compared to any other state entire the World. When China was diplomatically isolated, at that time Pakistan supported China as a bridge between Mao and Nixon.On this occasion, Pakistan’s heartedly support the China to move from regional power to global power through advancement and constructing the roads, highways, utilizing the coal power, extension of ties with Gulf States as well as other nations of the world. On the other hand, China also support and working as a best friend during its volatility and limitation in economy by complementing and supporting through developmental projects, when western withdrew Pakistan’s support regarding some extent. It is also very important that China has been diplomatic trainer of Pakistan since long and this relation is still growing fruitful.The author, also focus on Sino-Pakistan ties in detail by discussing in the context of US and Delhi. The relationships between the two countries use term as, “All weather friends and deeper than the deepest ocean”, but traditionally, the relationship are normally based on multiple strategies, Economic & Trade, policy and interests of global stakeholders. Due to recent Indo-US relations, the relationships between China and Pakistan is also going effected.In the initial chapters, the author discusses the India centric reason for the friendship of China and Pakistan. The first chapter representing the Sino-Indian war 1962, which supported strategic and significant cooperation between China and Pakistan. The Indo-Pak war of 1965, also China’s made a symbolic support as “all weather friend” for Pakistan. This image developed in public as well.But in 1971, Indo-Pak war, where China failed to prove the friendship, due to “Once China Policy”. The conspiracies emerged that China and Pakistan will never been the treaty allies to support each other in future.  After that Indo-China relations emerged and worst situation developed among Pak-China. Pak-China relations got severe effected as discussed by the author in detail.After that, author discussed the Afghanistan, which emerged as one of the biggest issues. In fourth and fifth chapters, the author talks about the Muslim majority in China’s northwest and their role as indigenous Muslim populace in China. To cope with any extremist threat, China brought strength through forces in that region. Then the author discusses about the Chinese workers attacked and Pakistan face the critical situation in this context. In sixth chapter, the author makes an argument about Pakistan, China and Afghanistan in the context of 9/11.It seemed that China sat on the sideline neutrally, but planed for long-term constancy in Pakistan. The last chapter discusses about the role of china and its shifting responsibilities, from just a regional or global power to a regional and global stabilizer. For Xi Jinping, China is looking for using it as a financial and economic weight to balance out the west with its neighbors. Pakistan needs development in its infrastructure and China has the best opportunity to use its investment policies for this purpose.In this book, the author said that he travelled to China and Pakistan for six years and then he share his experiences that understand and get the real insight about the China-Pakistan relations. Finally, this is a comprehensive study about the true and realistic relationship existing between Pakistan and China. The book focused on the experiences of the author throughout the text. The book also leads towards further giving an insight to strengthen the relationship and the impact of this friendship on both economies as well as security situation in the region.



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